Twitter Retweets is one of the most common ways for individuals to participate within the Twitter public conversation. You may examine a list of money owing to those who retweeted a tweet using the retweets research endpoints. You may also retweet a tweet or undo a retweet using the new manage retweets endpoints. Twitter Retweets have also many importance in growing your twitter Profile.
Let’s pretend you’re on Twitter, scrolling through your timeline and reading tweets. You would Retweet or RT a tweet if it caught your interest and you wanted your followers to see it as well.

Twitter Retweets lookup
With the retweets research endpoint, you could retrieve a listing of accounts which have retweeted a tweet.
You could authenticate these endpoints with either oath 1.0a person context or oath 2.0 bearer token. while authenticating, you ought to use keys and tokens from a developer app positioned inside a undertaking. learn greater about getting access to the twitter api v2 endpoints in our getting commenced web page.
You’ll receive the most recent one hundred customers who retweeted the desired tweet. there may be no pagination to be had for this endpoint.
Manage Retweets
The manipulate retweets endpoints enable you to retweet or undo a retweet of a specific tweet on behalf of an authenticated account. for this endpoint organization, there are strategies available put up and delete. the publish technique allows you to retweet a tweet, and the delete technique will enable you to undo a retweet of a given tweet.
On account that you are making requests on behalf of a person, you ought to authenticate those endpoints with oauth 1.0a consumer context and use the get admission to tokens associated with the consumer, which may be generated the use of the 3-legged oauth glide. you may retweet a tweet from your account or an account of an authenticated person. with both endpoints, there’s a person price restrict of 50 requests consistent with 15 mins in keeping with endpoint.
Why Twitter Retweets?

- Share valuable content
The tweet you discover really worth retweeting is probably of some value. (With any luck you don’t retweet every tweet you spot to your timeline!) this tweet whether or not a quote, hyperlink, text or image is something you observed your fans would additionally discover treasured.
2. engagement
In case you retweeted a tweet from a person you’re following, they’ll see which you retweeted it and can thanks. then you can begin having a conversation. that’s engagement. any other example is that if one of your fans sees a tweet which you’ve retweeted and also reveals it valuable, they will need to talk to you about it. this is also engagement.
3. to assist
In your timeline, if you comply with your favorite charity, you could see their tweet approximately their newest marketing campaign. to assist them out, you can retweet their tweet. this spreads their message with the aid of reaching greater humans.
How to Retweet on an App: Retweet or Quote Retweet?
Chances are you use twitter particularly on an app and not a computing device. twitter has even stated on their blog, “…cell is regularly the number one manner human beings around the globe enjoy twitter.” due to the fact that this is the case, here’s the way to retweet on twitter at the twitter iPhone app:
1. for this situation, we’ll be the usage of the four seasons magazine’s twitter account. i love this magazine and their tweets!
2. click on at the tweet that you need to retweet. discover the retweet button, which is a image of two arrows.
When you choose it, alternatives will pop up this is retweet and quote retweet.
Three. in case you pick out retweet, that is how it will display up for your profile.
It’s the exact same tweet that 4 seasons mag tweeted, simply for your profile now.
4. on the other hand, if you Decided on the quote retweet option, this is what is going to display up.
Five. you could see that twitter has copied the tweet’s textual content into a new tweet. all you need to do to retweet its miles add “rt” in the front of the textual content. you can also add something like “love this!” before writing rt.
6. another issue to be aware approximately quote retweets is in case you’re quote retweeting an image.
As an example, four seasons mag tweeted this picture of a dessert from bottega Louie, a restaurant in la.
7. I used quote retweet to retweet this photo along with a little statement earlier than the rt.
8. after I tweeted it, the photograph showed up on my profile’s recent snap shots.
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